
Monday, April 23, 2012

Monthly School Idea: Football

I made this tag awhile ago, but it appears that I forgot to post it.  At this time I can't find pictures so maybe I didn't take any.  I think I didn't post it because I was thinking about making more tags with more sayings, but I better get these out now.  Here is what the tag looks like:

I just trimmed these up (you could layer it with some gold or dark green paper), punched some holes in the ends, threaded ribbon through, and then tied it around the football.  I purchased Nerf footballs.  The second graders use it all the time, but the fifth graders prefer the "real" kind.

Do me a favor, if you decide to download my creations, please take the time to leave a comment.  Even if the comment simply says Thanks or downloaded.  Knowing people use it makes taking the time to take pictures and create posts worth it!  Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why I've Been Gone

Spring break was the perfect time to get caught up on the blog, right.  Nope.  This year was a busy time.  My family (most of whom I hadn't seen for 3 years including 2 nephews I hadn't met) came out for my Boo's baptism.  Before Spring Break I had been busy getting ready for the baptism, watching General Conference and getting ready for visitors (I think a birthday was in there too).  After spring break I've been trying to get caught up on everything that I missed and start planting a garden.  Here are some of my distractions:
Baptism Pictures in between sessions on Sunday:

 Dyeing Eggs with the Cousins on Friday:

Baptism on Saturday (longer post coming with printables):

Followed by time at the park:

Then it was Easter:

The next day we went to the Zoo:

We also had a picnic lunch, swimming, touring a civil war house, an attempt at cousin pictures, a day of shopping & lunch, and much more.  It was a fun week and I miss my family again, but it was so good to see them and play with the nephews.  We did miss one nephew and the brother-in-laws, but it was great fun!  Well worth the busy week.  More posts to come (shortly I hope, but baseball season has started - we had three game this week and it eats up about 3 1/2 hours each game - so worth it though).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Will Catch Up (One Day)

I feel so far behind.  I have been getting ready for the baptism of my youngest and for family to come visit out of state.  I have so much to post about that even plus a whole lot more - St. Patrick's Day, Spirit Week, more scout stuff, Nursery stuff, stuff tried from Pinterest.  It may not get all posted until summer, but I'll work on it, PROMISE.

Look I was Featured!

Conference Weekend I glanced at my stats.  I was surprised to see a new referring site (that had sent over 500 hits in one day).  Wasn't I surprised to see that my little site was featured in a Deseret News article: Preparing for LDS General Conference.  It was in the Bloggernacle section online.  It so made my day!  Thanks for the feature.  You can check out the article here: