
Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I know that I haven't been around in a LONG TIME.  I'm glad to see people still coming and downloading things.  I'm trying to figure out Google drive/Google docs.  I originally had everything stored on Google docs and you could just hit the link and download, but know most of my things are on Google drive and you have to ask permission to download.  I'm trying to figure it out, but in the meantime, ask away and I'll grant permission as quickly as possible!

I hope to blog again, especially things I already have pictures of.  I hope I can find the time.  My world has been turned upside down the last two years and I feel like I'm just scraping by.  Maybe one day I'll be able to share my story, but for now I'm staying busy working full time - now at an apartment complex on the other side of the country - and trying to keep up with my very busy three children.  I miss the blog, I miss creating, and I miss giving.  Last year and this year hasn't been very eventful for my kids' teachers.  However, my new work family has received a few things.  I've also gotten horrible about taking pictures.  It is hard to share without pictures!  Now that things are a little more normal again maybe I can fit in a post or two.

I appreciate all those who stop by.  I had no idea how many people downloaded my stuff until I had to grant permission to each person!  It appears there is about one comment left for every 500 downloads!  Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I would love to be able to use the St. Patrick's Day tags you put on packages of Skittles. The saying is "You are better than any treasure found at the end of the rainbow." I tried to request permission through Google, but it said it wouldn't send my message. If you're ok with me using the tags, could you possible email them to me? Here's my email address just in case: Thank you for sharing all of your amazing ideas!!!! :)


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